ARMINES is a private non-profit research and technological organisation (RTO) funded in 1967 at the instigation of its partner engineering schools, the Ecoles des Mines network.

Main role in the project :

ARMINES is the coordinator of GROOM II project.

The French National Centre for Scientific Research is among the world’s leading research institutions.

Its scientists explore the living world, matter, the Universe, and the functioning of human societies in order to meet the major challenges of today and tomorrow.

Internationally recognised for the excellence of its scientific research, the CNRS is a reference in the world of research and development, as well as for the general public.

Based in Cyprus, Cyprus Subsea Consulting & Services Ltd.

(CSCS) blends academic and technical expertise as well as seagoing and survey experience.

CSCS serves the public and private sector with oceanographic consultancy, services and equipment for offshore activities.

CSCS specializes in marine robotics and autonomous systems, such as gliders, AUVs, ROVs, drifters, moorings and landers.

In addition, CSCS supplies custom products and systems for user-specific needs as well as services related to operational forecasting and observing systems.

Main role in the project :

CSCS is leading WP5 Services for Public Policies, Market & Innovation as well as T5.2 Environmental Services for Industries. In addition, CSCS is contributing to the technical development of the glider research infrastructure in WP6.

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Ecorys is an international provider of research, consulting, programme management and communications services.

We aim to make a positive impact on society by tackling the issues that affect communities around the world through our work.

We provide expert advice and support to deliver change in multiple domains, varying from transport and transportation to natural resources, from social policies to public sector reform.

Our clients are national and regional governments, international organizations such as the EU and the World Bank.

We have participated in a number of Blue Growth project prior to GROOM II, such as BRIDGES and NeXos.

Main role in the project :

Ecorys has a strong record in cost benefit analyses, market research, public  and strategy development.

As such we will be involved in WP3 (Governance and financial sustainability) and WP5 (Services for Public policies, Market & Innovations). 

Our contribution will aim at opening op potential ways of funding of the GERI implementation by industry and public organizations (EU as well as national authorities) – as part of WP3 (Governance and financial sustainability).

In addition, we will help assessing the key societal benefits of a sustained glider infrastructure as well as opportuinities for novel services to other (new and emerging) markets as part of WP5 (Services for Public policies, Market & Innovations).

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The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) produces observation and research data on the atmosphere, the near space and the seas, as well as weather, sea, air quality and climate services for the needs of public safety, business life and citizens.

The FMI is an administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Finland.

Main role in the project :

Strengthening the European glider cooperation by engaging countries that are developing or planning to develop glider facilities in the project activities, and by building connections to stakeholders and industry sector through organization of dedicated sessions in annual project meetings and in international events in collaboration with other similar initiatives.

In addition, working towards alignment of Europe’s ocean observing capacity and long-term sustainability of the European glider community.

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GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel is  a world-wide leading institute of marine research.

We investigate chemical, physical, biological and geological processes of the seafloor, oceans and ocean margins and their interactions with the atmosphere.

We also bridge the gap between basic and applied science in several areas. 

The GEOMAR is a foundation under public law jointly funded by the German federal (90%) and Schleswig-Holstein state (10%) governments.

GEOMAR has a staff of approximately 1,000 (2020) individuals and an annual budget of ~80 Million Euros.

Main role in the project :

GEOMAR will oversee the activities in work package 4 as WP lead.

We also are responsible partner for Task 4.1 and a major contributor to Task 6.5.

With our partner institution INDP (Sao Vicente, Cape Verde) we will contribute to Task 2.4.

GEOMAR operates 6 Slocum G1, 3 Slocum G2 and 1 Slocum G3. All gliders but one G1 are rated for 1000 meters. The remaining G1 is rated for 200m. They may be equipped with unpumped Sea-Bird CTD, Aanderaa optode, Wetlabs fluorometers and other sensors. 

Contact :

Johannes Karstensen :

Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) is the Greek governmental research organization, responsible to promote marine research and innovation and to deliver comprehensive scientific and technical support to the public.

It is an active member of EuroGOOS & MedGOOS, having developed the national monitoring/forecasting program – the POSEIDON system, and participating in EC and ESA funded research projects in order to develop European capacity in operational oceanography under the GMES and GEOSS umbrella.

HCMR contributes as a full member to 4 ESFRI research infrastructures (Lifewatch, EuroArgo-ERIC, EMSO-ERIC, EMBRC).

Main role in the project :

HCMR will coordinate the effort that will conclude Work Package 2 and lay the foundation for the future glider infrastructure in-line with ESFRI standards, integrated in the European marine infrastructure landscape as a fundamental component of a holistic marine ‘observatory oriented’ RI.

Contact :

Established in 1991, The Marine Institute is Ireland’s national agency responsible for the following general functions:

“to undertake, to co-ordinate, to promote and to assist in marine research and development and to provide such goods related to marine research and development, that in the opinion of the Institute will promote economic development and create employment and protect the environment.” – Marine Institute Act, 1991.

The Marine Institute ‘s vision, is as a global leader in ocean knowledge, empowering Ireland to safeguard and harness ocean wealth.

Main role in the project :

The MI is actively involved in Work Packages 1,2,3,4 and 6 and as task leader in WP2:

European Research Infrastructure landscape which will focus on developing and upgrading synergies with other related Research Infrastructures (RIs).

The Marine Institute operates three 1000m rated gliders, “Laochra na Mara”, “Aisling na Mara”, and “SeaMonitor”. The gliders are part of EirOOS – the Irish Ocean Observing System. The gliders are available to the user community for oceanographic surveys and can be operated from appropriate vessels, subject to approval. The gliders are capable of operating for 90 days autonomously. For further information on glider availability, operations, logistics and user access rates please contact the Marine Institute glider team.

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We make sense of the changing seas, on which future human prosperity and wellbeing depend.

Our main mission as the National Oceanography Centre is to make sense of changing seas, upon which future human prosperity and wellbeing depends.

PLOCAN is a multipurpose technical-scientific service infrastructure that provides support for research, technological development and innovation in the marine and maritime sectors, available to public and private users.

PLOCAN offers both onshore and offshore experimental facilities and laboratories, operational throughout the whole year thanks to the Canary Islands excellent climatic conditions.

PLOCAN operates an ocean observatory, including EMSO Canary Islands Regional Facility (ESTOC station and test site), a fixed coastal observatory, and a fleet of ocean gliders.

Main role in the project :

Leader of tasks 2.3, 3.3 and 5.1 and contributing to all WPs on several tasks.

Eric Delory is part of the Executive Board of the GROOM II project.

Contact :

Pôle Mer Méditerranée is a maritime innovation cluster located in the South of France.

Its ambition is to contribute to the sustainable development of the maritime and coastal economy in the Mediterranean basin, in Europe and across the globe.

It stimulates and encourages innovation trough collaboration around 6 Strategic Business Areas and two extra-Business Areas.

One of the extra-business area is focused on digital & robotics. Indeed, robotics is linked to progress in monitoring of oceans, ships and offshore infrastructures (like floating wind farms, oil rigs).

Main role in the project :

With more than 30 members directly linked to robotics – among which international leaders, PMM has a real strength in research, industrial and academic fields.

Thus, it will be a bridge between researchers and industrial players.

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The University of Gothenburg (UGOT) is among the largest universities in Northern Europe.

With its eight faculties, UGOT is also the most wide-ranging and versatile university in Sweden.

UGOT is an active international university engaged in collaborative projects and partnerships all over the world. In FP7, UGOT participated in approximately 180 projects, both as a coordinator and a partner and is to date participating in about 70 projects in H2020.

Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world.

With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

Main role in the project :

UGOT contributes mostly to WP2 and WP5.

UGOT has significant experience in using gliders in remote regions, like the polar oceans.

UGOT is host to SCOOT, which assists GROOM II in how to assist SMEs to use and develop ideas using gliders.

UGOT assists in representing the glider activities in the Baltic Sea.

Contact :

Sebastiaan Swart :

Bastien Queste

Laboratório de Sistemas e Tecnologia Subaquática (LSTS) – from Porto University pioneered the development and integration of autonomous and operator-assisted vehicles and sensor networks.

Developments started in 1997 with the operation of the ISURUS autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV).

Today LSTS aggregates close to 20 researchers including Faculty, Ph.D. and M.Sc. students, and full-time engineers. LSTS operates on a regular basis AUVs, ROVs, UAVs and sensor networks.

Main role in the project :

Create a roadmap for GERI, regarding abstractions required to operate a distributed fleet of vehicles. Facilitate integration with EUMR and establish collaborations with key regional stakeholders.

Contact :

The University of Bergen (UiB) is an internationally recognized university and a leading European marine research institution in the forefront in the fields of marine biology, oceanography and climate studies. UIB represents Norwegian universities at the ESF Marine Board. The Geophysical Institute is an internationally acknowledged contributor in the areas of marine and climate research. GFI has established the Norwegian National Facility for Ocean Gliders (NorGliders), oversees the glider activity in Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) and is presently coordinating the establishment of the Norwegian node of the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory, EMSO ERIC (NorEMSO)

Main role in the project :

Contributor to all WPs and co-lead of WP6. Norwegian RI in gliders ; Norwegian node in EMSO ERIC; Relation with public high level stakeholders and maritime clusters

The University of Bergen operates 4 seagliders. These are long-endurance autonomous underwater vehicles that collect oceanographic data while moving through the water column in a sawtooth pattern. The maximum depth is 1000 meters. Seagliders at UiB are typically equipped with conductivity, temperature, depth (CTD), and oxygen sensors. Some of them also have a fluorescence sensor installed measuring chlorophyll and backscatter. Underwater gliders communicate with pilots on land via Iridium satellite communication and can operate in harsh weather conditions as well as near the sea ice edge.

University Of Bergen Seaglider

6 Slocum G3s and 1 Slocum G1. Slocum are autonomous underwater vehicles that collect oceanographic data while moving through the water column in a sawtooth pattern. UiB’s fleet of Slocum G3s include both long-endurance (1 year) gliders and gliders with rechargeable batteries for shorter (3 months) missions. All gliders are equipped with pumped conductivity, temperature, depth (CTD) sensors and one G3 is fitted with a Rockland Scientific MicroRider turbulence package. The maximum depth of the G3 gliders is 1000 meters, while the Slocum G1 is rated to 200 meters depth.


UiB Fleet of Slocum

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